How to Grow TONS of Bush and Pole Beans in Containers

When my wife and I were living in a tiny urban apartment, I tried growing just about everything I could on a windowsill in cheap plastic buckets. The tomatoes were a failure, the lettuce was just not worth it, but the beans occupied this magical confluence of plants that produce a lot of food, can grow anywhere, and thrive in whatever container you give them. By reading through this short article, you’ll every step of how to grow beans in a container from seed to harvest....

October 24, 2022 · 8 min · Nextdoor Homestead

13 Cheap or Free Hacks to Save Money Gardening

We started Nextdoor Homestead to find and share ways for home gardeners and homesteaders to meaningfully save money every month by growing food. It’s a common sentiment in gardening circles that growing your own food is more expensive than buying it - and that’s often very true - but it also doesn’t have to be the case. Here are 13 effective tactics we use to keep gardening super cheap and still grow lots of food in a normal suburban yard....

May 19, 2022 · 10 min · Nextdoor Homestead

How, When, and Why You Should Pot Up (Repot) Tomato Seedlings

A few weeks ago, we looked at how to plant tomatoes from seeds and the time has come to move those young seedlings into new, larger pots. Yes, you read that right: tomato plants need as little as 1-3 weeks following germination to outgrow a small seed starting tray. Let’s take a close look at exactly how, why, and when to pot up (also known as repot) your tomato seedlings to give them a huge leg up in life....

May 10, 2022 · 8 min · Nextdoor Homestead

The Best Plants to Start Indoors (And Why)

One of the most wonderful aspects of gardening is there are endless ways to do it right. For instance, do you prefer to till your garden soil each year or slowly build up a no-till garden? Will you apply only compost or incorporate specialty fertilizers? Build neat rows of raised beds or plant dense patches into the ground? The correct answers to all these questions, and many more, will vary based on your preferences and goals!...

February 3, 2022 · 6 min · Nextdoor Homestead

How to Start Seeds Indoors - A Complete Guide

It’s hard to resist the urge to run outside and plant seeds on a beautiful day. I know that for a fact because I’m looking out my window at gorgeous weather and far too much bare dirt in our garden as I write this. Alas, it’s mid-January today, and the sad truth is that even in our milder climate, January is far too early to plant warm-weather seeds outdoors with confidence....

January 20, 2022 · 19 min · Nextdoor Homestead