How to Fertilize and Feed Tomato Plants At Every Stage for the Biggest Harvest

It’s a wonderful time of year when our tomatoes finally grow large and established enough to flower and set fruit. To make the most of our growing window, let’s cover fertilization strategies that will keep your tomatoes happy, healthy, and super-productive without wasting time and money on stuff you don’t need. If you prefer to watch your gardening tutorials, we’ve made the same content into a video as well. Tomato Fertilization at Seedling Stage Newly germinated seedlings don’t need supplemental fertilizers right away because they feed themselves via energy stores in their seeds....

May 9, 2023 · 11 min · Nextdoor Homestead

How to Prune Cherry Tomatoes: Maximum Yield for Your Effort

If you love growing cherry tomatoes and want to maximize your harvest with proper pruning, you’ve come to the right place. My goal is to arm you with an evidence-backed cherry tomato pruning strategy that’s easy to employ in your own garden. Rather than try to cover every possible garden scenario and pruning method, I’ll describe to you how I actually prune my indeterminate cherry tomatoes and get straight to my recommendations!...

March 29, 2023 · 9 min · Nextdoor Homestead

Tomato Blossom End Rot: Comprehensive Guide to Causes, Cures, and Treatments in the Garden

Let’s talk about blossom end rot. Specifically, tomato blossom end rot. Yay! Cell death and puddles of necrotic rot in the fruit we work so hard to grow may not be the loveliest topic in gardening, but it’s actually a surprisingly interesting and dynamic one. This article’s goal is to address some outdated information and provide you with enough knowledge on the causes and cures of tomato blossom end rot to construct an effective plan based on the real conditions in your garden....

January 10, 2023 · 9 min · Nextdoor Homestead

How, When, and Why You Should Pot Up (Repot) Tomato Seedlings

A few weeks ago, we looked at how to plant tomatoes from seeds and the time has come to move those young seedlings into new, larger pots. Yes, you read that right: tomato plants need as little as 1-3 weeks following germination to outgrow a small seed starting tray. Let’s take a close look at exactly how, why, and when to pot up (also known as repot) your tomato seedlings to give them a huge leg up in life....

May 10, 2022 · 8 min · Nextdoor Homestead

Build A Cheap, Easy Tomato Trellis (Better than a Cage)

Tomatoes are a whole lot more fun to grow when they’re well-supported, easy to prune, and convenient to harvest. OK, so tomatoes are really, ridiculously fun to grow no matter what. Which is why most of us turn to the ubiquitous tomato cage at some point early in our tomato obsession to up our game and grow more of them. The thing is, cages are expensive. And they take up a ton of space in the garden....

August 22, 2021 · 4 min · Nextdoor Homestead